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Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) formerly known as Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur was established more than 150 years ago, in year 1870.  Spanning ​​150 acres of land at the heart of Kuala Lumpur City, HKL is the largest hospital under the Ministry of Health (MOH), Malaysia.

Since its establishment, HKL has shown excellence in medical service in line with its mission & vision as a public healthcare facility.  This excellence in education, research and healthcare provision are driven by dedicated healthcare professionals. 

HKL also holds other functions such as:-

  • National Referral Center for multiple specialties and subspecialties.
  • Training Center for Postgraduates and Undergraduates in medical field.
  • Are the main Clinical Research Center in Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH).

Within HKL, Hospital Tunku Azizah (HTA) delivers Obstetrics & Gynecology and Paediatrics services.  Respiratory medicine services is provided by Institute of Respiratory Medicine (IPR).  These two institutions is clustered with HKL to provide comprehensive services to the population of Klang Valley.  

HKL has 15 clusters of buildings, which is Main Building, Engineering, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Institut Kaji Saraf Tun Abdul Rahman (IKTAR), Old  Maternity Hospital (MHKL), Security, Staff Quarters, Transport Unit Block, Wisma Kayu, Institute Paediatrics (IPHKL), Hospital Tunku Azizah (HTA), Specialist Clinic and Ambulatory Care Complex (SCACC), Institute of Urology & Nephrology, Administration & Finance, and Human Resources.  Ten (10) of these buildings housed 27 Clinical Departments and 18 Clinical Support Departments with over 150 specialties and sub-specialties.  HKL has more than 100 wards with more than 2,300 patient beds, including 79 ICU, 66 HDW beds and 51 Operation Theatre (O.T.).  HKL also has special wards for geriatrics, dermatology, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine and specialist treatment units.  HKL has 10 divisions under the management directorate and 1 unit under the Director to cater non-clinical support for 12,000 Hospital staffs. 

Hospital Kuala Lumpur strive to deliver high quality services to patients, at par with international standards recommended by World Health Organization (WHO), with the slogan of `Caring, Teamwork and Professionalism Are Our Work Culture’.



It was developed as a district hospital comprising of 3 wards i.e., the Tai Wah Ward, the Choudhry Ward and the Malay Ward.



Upgraded to 25 wards (1st. class in Bangsar, 2nd. class and 3rd. class).


Development of HKL from Phase I to Phase IV. The development of the various phases were as follows:

♦ Phase I (1962 - 1968):

Maternity Hospital, North Ward Block, Radiotherapy Department and Hostels for staff were built.

♦ Phase II (1968 - 1972):

South Ward Block, Neurology Institute, Surgical Block, Radiology Block, National Blood transfusion Centre and more hostels were added.

♦ Phase III (1972 - 1973):

Specialist clinics, Outpatient Department and Doctor's hostel were constructed.

♦ Phase IV-A (1973 - 1974):

Trainee Nurses hostel and Clubhouse added.

♦ Phase IV-B (1975):

Orthopaedic Institute, Urology Institute, Artificial Limb Centre and Radiology Block built.    

The last phase of HKL was completed at the cost of RM 77 million.



HKL started functioning as a teaching hospital for UKM medical students.

1986 - 1988

Repairs and refurbishment of old building (Wooden Block) were performed.

1986 - 1988

1989 - 1992

Paediatric Institute was constructed.

1994 - 1997 ( Phase II ):

Upgrading of the Institute of Radiotherapy, Oncology and Nuclear Medicine.

1994 - 1997 ( Phase II ):


Specialist Complex & Ambulatory Care Centre (SCACC) is located along Jalan Pahang and next to Institute of Medical Research (IMR). The building consist of 16 clinical departments and 10 daily operating room, support services such as pharmacy, pathology, radiology, Central Sterile Supply Unit (CSSU) and allied health services. SCACC providing 30 beds for daycare patients, 184 Consultations rooms, 7 seminar rooms and CRC room. 


Multi-storey Car Park was initially open to the public on 15 February 2015. This building is located near Maternity Hospital. The building consist of seven (7) level of car park, gymnasium, tennis court, cafeteria and PABX building. The car park was built with light parking system and automated calculation of available space as well as panic button for security system.



The Hospital Tunku Azizah (HTA), formerly known as the Kuala Lumpur Women's and Children's Hospital, began full operations in September 2019. It specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatric services.


The Project Handover Ceremony for the HKL Operating Room Complex, ICU, and Additional Ward, now known as Block B, Institute of Urology Nephrology, Kuala Lumpur Hospital (IUN HKL), was completed by the Honorable Dato' Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi, Minister of Public Works, and handed over to the Honorable Dr. Zaliha Binti Mustafa, Minister of Health, on September 25, 2023. This project is being carried out by Johawaki Construction Sdn. Bhd. and is a part of the HKL redevelopment project, which involves constructing Block B, IUN HKL. Block B will connect with the existing Block A, IUN HKL.

The new 7-story building will house a Hemodialysis Unit, Intensive Care Unit, High Dependency Ward, and General Wards, with a total of 252 beds, as well as other support functions. The Modular Operating Room construction concept utilizes the latest technology and is completely prefabricated. The Robotic Operating Room is equipped with an international standard two-way communication system that connects the operating room and the seminar room on different levels.



Hospital Kuala Lumpur
50586 Jalan Pahang
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
Phone : 03-26155555 
E-Mail : pro.hkl[at]


12.30 p.m - 2.00 p.m
4.30 p.m - 6.30 p.m


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Last Modified: Monday 03 February 2025.