Question 1
What is an anaesthesiologist? What is the jobscope?
Answer 1
An anaesthesiologist is a doctor specialized in giving anaesthesia for surgery. He or shemakes sure your vital signs – blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and oxygen levels – are stable throughout the surgery. He or she also manages your level of consciousness and sleep during the procedure. If you encounter a problem during surgery (blood loss, changes in blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, and many others), your anesthesiologist will work to correct the problem. Anaesthesiologists at HKL are experts on developing the best way to approach anesthesia for your specific operation.
Your anaesthesiologist also manages pain postoperatively and other pain which couldn’t be managed by your primary doctor. Anaesthesiologists also manage patients in ICU, screen and optimize patients who are going for surgery or any procedures requiring anaesthesia.
Question 2
What are the risks associated with anesthesia?
Answer 2
The Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care HKL has made great strides in advancing anesthesia safety for patients. Based on your specific needs, your anesthesiologist will develop a comprehensive anesthetic plan before, during, and after surgery. Before surgery, please speak with your anesthesiologist about any concerns you have about anesthesia and pain management.
Common side effects include headache, pain at the injection site, and nausea and vomiting. Many of these risks are mitigated through our anesthetic approaches, more specifically regional anesthesia.
Question 3
Can I eat before surgery?
Answer 3
You will be given specific instructions about eating and drinking by the nurse who contacts you the day before your surgery. If you are warded prior to surgery or procedure, you should refrain from eating at least six hours before your scheduled procedure to reduce side effects related to an aspiration. An aspiration is when stomach contents are expelled into the lungs and can cause significant damage. You can protect yourself from an aspiration by carefully following preoperative instructions regarding food and drink.
Question 4
What medications should I take on the day of surgery?
Answer 4
You should discuss your medications with your physician at your preoperative medical clearance appointment or with your surgeon before surgery. All patients scheduled for ambulatory surgery will be contacted by a daycare nurse on the afternoon or evening before surgery – you should ask about your medications then. If your medication questions are not answered by the day of surgery, you should bring your medications with you.
Question 5
Can my allergies interfere with anesthesia?
Answer 5
It is vital to inform your anesthesiologist of any allergies you may have. Your providers need to know what you are allergic to and how you react to those allergens. Bring your allergy card if you have one. If required, an allergy test would conducted for you before you are given a surgery date.
Question 1
How to attain an appointment date from the clinic?
Answer 1
1. Patients need to come to eye clinic with a referral letter for them to be registered as walk-in cases (emergency cases) or to be screened and attain an appointment for further evaluation.
2. Clinic time staggered hours is applied for all new and existing patients:
- 8 : 00 am (Doctor’s consultation + Ophthalmic procedure)
- 9 : 30 am (Doctor’s consultation + Ophthalmic procedure)
- 11 : 30 am (Doctor’s Consultation)
3. Appointments made via telephone calls (extention 1054) are only for:
- Existing patients who wish to get a new appointment date
- Ward patients which were referred to the oncall ophthalmology doctors by their primary team.
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Question 2
How is the registration process in the ophthalmology clinic, HKL?
Answer 2
Below are the steps taken when you come for an appointment to our clinic:
1. Do bring your appointment card/referral letter with the appointment date written on it.
2. The appointment card/referral letter must be given to the Information counter. A small paper slip and a calling number will be given. Then you would be required to proceed with a visual acuity test in room 3.
3. After completing the visual acuity test, your number would be call to the registration counter and then you would be directed to either doctor/optometrist consultation.
4. The waiting areas are divided accordingly:
a) Area D or E for doctors consultation
b) Area F for optometrist examination
c) In front of Room 1 for emergency/walk-in/screening cases
5. Subsequent appointment will be given by a staff in the doctor’s room OR to be attained from the appointment counter (Counter 46)
6. Patients who are prescribed with medications will have to wait at area C while the pharmacist prepares their medications.
Question 3
How much are the charges for registration and procedures?
Answer 3
Below are the charges in our clinic:
1. Government Hospital or Government clinic referrals
a) First time registrations are FOC (free of charge)
b) Subsequent registrations cost RM5.00
c) RM 4.00 – RM100.00 will be charge depending on the type of procedure done
d) Patients who are exempted from registration charges are:
- Handicap Card Holder (OKU card)
- Government pensioner
- Government staffs
- JKN (jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat) Card holder and Baitulmal Receiver
- Eligible Blood donor
- School Students
- Citizen registered under JAKAO (Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli)
- OKT (Orang Kene Tahan)
2. Private Hospital or Private Clinic Referrals
a) First registration cost RM 30.00
b) Subsequent registration charges cost RM5.00 ( the same charges applied to Handicap Card holder, JKM and baitulmal receiver, school students, Eligible blood donor, Citizen registered under JAKAO (Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli, OKT (orang Kene Tahan)
c) RM20.00 – RM1800.00 will be charged depending on the type of procedure done.
d) Payment exemption for government pensioners and staffs.
3. Foreigners
a) For valid passport holder, RM120.00 will be charged
b) For UNHCR card holder, RM60.00 will be charged
c) Depending on the ophthalmology procedure, charges is applied according to “Perintah FI” (Perubatan-Kos Perkhidmatan 2014)
Location of ophthalmology outpatient clinic.
The clinic is located on the 6th floor at SCACC (Specialist Complex and Ambulatory Care Center) building.
Patients need to bring a REFERRAL LETTER to get an appointment from our clinic.
Elective appointment:
Monday – Friday: From 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.30am
Emergency clinic (Casualty clinic):
Monday – Friday: 7.30am – 4.15pm
Question 1
What is the ORL Outpatient clinic schedule?
Answer 1
- The outpatient clinics are scheduled every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
- Allergic clinic is scheduled on every Thursday.
- FNAC Clinic is scheduled on every Monday.
- Preoperative Assessment Clinic is scheduled on every Monday and Thursday.
- Emergency cases will be seen on the same day at the Emergency Department.
Question 2
When are the operation days for ORL patients?
Answer 2
- Patients will have their elective operation scheduled on every Monday and Thursday in General Operation Theater.
- We also provide surgeries on Saturday morning according to schedule.
- Daycare surgery services is provided every Monday. Daycare services can only be done for certain patients and type of surgeries which meet the specific criteria.
Question 3
Do I need to get a referral letter?
Answer 3
Yes, all referrals to Specialist Clinic requires a referral letter.
Question 4
I am sufferring from tonsillitis and was adviced to undergo a tonsillectomy. When is the most appropriate time to undergo this surgery?
Answer 4
- Usually tonsillectomy is advised to patients if one of the criterias mentioned below is fulfilled:
- Recurrent tonsillitis (more than 5 times a year for 2 consecutive years/monthly episodes of tonsilitis)
- History of peritonsillar abscess
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea secondary to Tonsillar Hypertrophy
- Suspected tonsillar malignancy
- Tonsillectomy will usually be performed when patient is healthy and not having fever or sore throat.
Question 5
I already have an appointment with the Audiologist/ Speech Therapist, do I have to see an ORL Specialist as well?
Answer 5
Yes, our ORL doctors will see patient as required.
Question 6
What are the preparations needed before undergoing an operation?
Answer 6
- Preoperative preparations are a must for all patients going for surgeries.
- Firstly, the indications and risks of the surgery will be explained to patient. If the patient agrees for surgery, he or she will be given a surgery date that may take 1 week to 3 months.
- Several investigations and tests will be required before the operation date such as blood investigations, ECG, Chest X-ray and CT Scan depending on the surgery and patient’s condition.
- Patient will be referred to Anaesthesiology Clinic prior to the operation date for assessment.
- If patient is passed for operation, a clinic appointment date will be given for reassessment and to explain and answer any doubts concerning the operation. If the patient is healthy and agreeable for operation, patient will sign the operation consent on the same day. If a patient is found not fit for operation, the surgery will be postponed to a later date.
- Admission into the ward will be one day prior to the operation date. However, for patients with comorbidities such as hypertension or diabetes mellitus, they will be admitted earlier for optimization of their condition prior to surgery.
- Patients are not to bring any valuables when admitting to the ward. The hospital is not responsible for loss of such items.
Question 1
Why doesn’t my child speak?
Answer 1
Factors of a child not speaking:
(a) Hearing problems
(b) Lack of stimulation to language and sound
(c) Abnormal intraoral structure
(d) Lack of playmates to communicate
(e) Lack of interaction and activities with parents and family
(f) Overtly focussed on academics for children less than 4 years of age
(g) Gadget and television addiction
(h) Lack of play options at home
Question 2
When is the best time to start speech therapy in speech sound disorder?
Answer 2
- Sleep therapy for speech sound disorder will only be carried out if:
- No hearing impairment
- Child able to understand and speak in their language
- When the child reach 5 years old
- When the child able to speak more than 5 words in a sentence but with difficulties in articulation
Question 3
How do we take care of our voice?
Answer 3
- Avoid frequent clearing of throat, shouting, talking loudly in a noisy environment
- Learn proper singing technique
Question 4
What can I do if my baby having difficulty in latching on or sucking?
Answer 4
- Firstly get a detailed examination and assessment on the intraoral structure of your baby to find the cause of poor latching or sucking (eg cleft palate, tongue tie and others)
- Choose a suitable bottle (eg size of the pacifier, flow of the water). If you are breastfeeding, make sure the technique is correct.
- Give the child the drink of choice with the appopriate amount.
- Take in consideration the taste of the drink given
- Learn the facial and mouth stimulation techniques for breastfeeding skills.
- Child only requires the suckling skill in age less than 2 years old. After 2 years old, introduce other feeding methods such as straw, cup and others.
Question 5
What are the symptoms of swallowing disorders?
Answer 5
- Loss of appetite
- Pain on swallowing
- Loss of weight
- Coughing during and after eating
- Drooling of saliva
- Dehydration
Question 6
Why is the waiting time for a speech therapy appointment so long?
Answer 6
- Limited number of speech therapist who are required to attend cases in the clinic and ward.
- Each speech therapy session will take around 45 to 60 minutes which as a result, ideally in a day, speech therapy can only be performed for maximum of 5 outpatient cases and 2 to 4 inpatient cases.
- Increasing rate of new referrals.
- Long followed up for each patients for at least for 2 years.
Question 7
What is speech therapy?
Answer 7
- Evaluation, planning and implementing rehabilitation for speech, voice and swallowing disorders in adult patients and children.
- Training parents/caretakers and family members to practice and carry out the therapy at home.
Question 1
Can my hearing be restrored?
Answer 1
- It depends on the type of hearing loss whether it is a sensorinueral, conductive or mixed type of hearing loss.
- Usually patients with sensorineural hearing loss will not be able to be cured as the disease involves the nerve supplying the hearing organs.
- While patients with conductive hearing loss can be treated accordingly with the type disease experienced.
Question 2
Do I have to wear a hearing aid if I have hearing impairment?
Answer 2
- It is strongly advisable for patients with disabling hearing impairment and hearing which are difficult to restore.
- Hearing aid functions to amplify sound to a certain level in the frequency that are inaudible by you so that you can hear better.
- The use of hearing aid can improve your quality of life and in maintaining a smooth sound transmission to the brain.
Question 3
Do I have to wear the hearing aid in both ears?
Answer 3
- If there is bilateral hearing impairment, it is best to wear the hearing aids on both ears for the patient to hear from various directions. However, you can also choose to wear on one ear first.
Question 4
How much does a hearing aid cost?
Answer 4
- The cost of a hearing aid depends on the type and the technology of the device. Selection of hearing aid will depend on the type and level of hearing impairment.
- Generally the price for a unilateral ear hearing aid ranges between RM1,000 to RM10,000
Question 5
Can I apply financial aid to purchase the hearing aid?
Answer 5
- Yes.
- If you are a government servant or government pensioner, you can apply through Public Service Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam).
- If not, you will be referred by the audiologist to the Department of Social Welfare in the respective hospital to determine the best channel for you. For example to Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Tabung Bantuan Perubatan hospital, Lembaga Zakat and others.
Question 6
What if I have an issue with the hearing aid after fitting?
Answer 6
- There will be a follow up appointment given after the fitting of hearing aid in order for the audiologist to optimize the hearing aid setting for the patient.
Question 7
Can I remove the hearing aid after fitting?
Answer 7
- Yes
- The hearing aid can be removed for example when bathing and sleeping.
- However, it is advisable to wear optimally for at least 8 hours a day.
Question 1
Can this clinic accepts Walk-In patients for dental check-up?
Answer 1
No. We only accept patient with a referral letter. Patient with no medical illness will have to go to government periphery clinic nearby for dental check-up.
Question 2
Can I get filling & scaling done in Oral & Maxillofacial Department, HKL?
Answer 2
Both treatment are given to patients referred to us with chronic medical illness such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and cancer. Patient who is healthy can get dental treatment in Government Periphery Dental Clinic near their house.
Question 3
Can I do tooth implant and what is the cost?
Answer 3
Yes but with a referral letter. Cost of implant ranges from RM3000 to RM4000
depending on the type of implant used. However, not all cases referred for implant is
suitable to proceed with the treatment. Oral Surgeon will examine and run several investigation before treatment starts.
Question 4
Can I bring my child for dental treatment?
Answer 4
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic only accepts patient above 16 years old with referral letter from government/private clinic/hospital.
Question 5
Where should I go with referral letter address to Oral Pathology & Oral Medicine Clinic?
Answer 5
Patient has to go to Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Satellite Clinic situated in main block for services as below:
1)Forensic Odontology
2)Oral Pathology & Oral Medicine
3)Special Needs Dentistry
4) For further enquiries, kindly contact:
Dental Officer Incharge
Contact Number : 03-2615 5555 Ext: 1264 / 1266
Email address :