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Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) provides Outpatient and Inpatient services, Audiology and Speech-Language Therapy. The ORL department is divided into several subspecialties, including Rhinology and Anterior Skull Base, Otology and Lateral Skull Base, Head and Neck Surgery, Paediatric ORL, Sleep Unit and Allergic Clinic. The ORL department provides surgical services to patients in need under the expertise offered.

The Otorhinolaryngology Department of Hospital Kuala Lumpur is the national referral center and the provider of advisory services in the field of specialty and subspecialties related to otorhinolaryngology to all hospitals under the Ministry of Health Malaysia.


The Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Hospital Kuala Lumpur strives to achieve a goal whereby all person with otorhinolaryngology-related problem can be treated and being able to return to their premorbid wellbeing and contribute to the society, preventing mortality and morbidity of otorhinolaryngology-related disease to the maximum and all individual and family members of the patient will be able to actively participate in the management of the disease.


Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Kuala Lumpur Hospital is committed to provide high quality, efficient, cost effective and comprehensive healthcare services to all patients by using the latest treatment methods provided by a team of trained, caring and committed Otorhinolaryngology staff, to emphasize cooperation between individuals and the community in participation of management of their disease and promote ORL wellness the community and to establish and implement ongoing training and research activities in medical field.


To provide comprehensive, efficient and up-to-date specialized treatment in the field of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck to all our patients which includes prevention, rehabilitation, research and training, allied health services relating to Otorhinolaryngology and collaborate with other specialties necessarily as a tertiary, national referral centre and an advisor to the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

Organisation Chart

Chart Otorinolaringologi


1. Specialized Clinical Services

  1. Inpatient services
  2. Surgical procedures
  3. Outpatient specialist clinic sessions
  4. General clinic treatments and procedures (Rigid Nasoendoscopy, Flexible Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy, Tracheostomy Care, Examination Under Microscope)
  5. Sleep Clinic for OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
  6. Allergy Testing Services
  7. FNAC (Fine-needle Aspiration and Cytology) Service

2. Speech-Language Therapy Services

  1. Managing patients with speech, language and communication disorders associated with hearing impairment
  2. Managing patients with voice disorders
  3. Managing patients with swallowing disorders
  4. Managing patients with acquired language disorders
  5. Managing patients with motor speech disorders
  6. Managing patients with resonance disorders
  7. Managing patients with alaryngeal speech
  8. Managing patients with fluency disorders
  9. Managing patients with various speech-language disorders

3. Audiology Clinic and Aural Rehabilitation

  1. General & advance audiology service
  2. Retrocochlear assessment
  3. Vestibular & balance assessment
  4. Central auditory processing disorders assessment
  5. Geriatric audiology assessment
  6. Audiology rehabilitation services
  7. Tinnitus and hyperacusis
  8. Implant cochlear program (satellite hospital for central zone)

Clinic Schedule



 Monday - Thursday

 8.00 AM - 1.00 PM

 2.00 PM - 5.00PM


 8.00 AM -12.15 PM

 2.45 PM – 5.00 PM

Client Charter

  1. Every patient shall be treated courteously, with utmost respect and sincerity.
  2. Patients shall be given appropriate, effective treatment relating to their health professionally irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.
  3. Patient with appointments shall be seen by a doctor within an hour after being registered in the clinic.
  4. For every new patient who is referred to our clinic, they will be screened accordingly based on the disease severity. Emergency cases will be seen on the same day whereas non-emergency cases will be given an appointment date based on availability.
  5. Patients shall be given clear and adequate explanation regarding the illness, risks and complications of the procedures offered and treatment outline.


Hospital Kuala Lumpur
50586 Jalan Pahang
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
Phone : 03-26155555 
E-Mail : pro.hkl[at]


12.30 p.m - 2.00 p.m
4.30 p.m - 6.30 p.m


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