- Introduction
- Vision, Mission & Objective
- Organisation Chart
- Services
- Operational Schedule
- Client Charter
- Related Information
The Pharmacy Department of Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) was established to provide optimal pharmaceutical care to cater to the needs of all HKL patients as well as to support the objectives and missions of HKL through the process of procurement, storage, and supply of drug and non-drug items throughout the entire hospital. With a staff of 401 permanent members stationed in eight (8) different branches distributed throughout the hospital, this department aims to deliver quality services by fulfilling the supply of medicines to more than 3,000 prescriptions daily from inpatient and outpatient settings.
The Pharmacy Department of HKL also supervises pharmacy services at Tunku Azizah Hospital (HTA) and the Institute of Respiratory Medicine (IPR), which includes the procurement of medicinal/non-medicinal products and general pharmacy practice activities. The HTA Pharmacy Department is headed by the Chief of the Pharmacy Department and the IPR Pharmacy Unit is led by the Chief Pharmacy Officer. Both of these positions are under the direct supervision of the Deputy Director of Pharmacy, HKL.
Provide innovative pharmaceutical care to achieve optimal health through global standard pharmaceutical services.
To collaborate with other health professionals in providing optimal pharmaceutical care, instill pharmaceutical knowledge through continuous pharmacy education and amplify positive impact on our clients.
1. Provide effective and efficient pharmaceutical care services to patients and hospital customers.
2. Provide quality clinical pharmacy services to further strengthen patient care.
3. Ensuring the management of procurement of drug and non-drug supplies is efficient.
4. Ensure members receive continuous training and learning.
5. Implement an outstanding work culture, environment and appropriate condition to achieve the objectives of quality service.
Organisation Chart
- Specialist Clinic Pharmacy
- Inpatient Pharmacy
- Clinical Pharmacotherapy Services
- Clinical Pharmacokinetic Services
- Cytotoxic Drug Reconstitution (CDR)
- Logistic Pharmacy
- Sterile Pharmaceutical Production
- Non-Sterile Pharmaceutical Production
- Nuclear Pharmacy Services
- Value Added Services
- Medication Therapy Adherence Clinic (MTAC)
- National Pharmacy Call Centre (NPCC)
Operational Schedule
Specialist Complex and Ambulatory Care Centre (SCACC): ● Pharmacy for Specialist Clinic I (FKP 1) | 7.30am - 5.30pm | N/A | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 1167 / 1168) | ● Klinik Pakar Bedah Mulut & Maksilofasial ● Klinik Pakar Perubatan Am ● Klinik Pakar Pembedahan Am ● Klinik Pakar Nefrologi ● Klinik Pakar Urologi ● Klinik Pakar Ortopedik (SCACC) ● Klinik Pakar Perubatan Rehabilitasi ● Unit Endoskopi ● Unit Rawatan Harian |
● Pharmacy for Specialist Clinic II (FKP II ) | 7.30am - 5.00pm | N/A | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 1040 / 1041 / 1042 ) | ● Klinik Pakar ENT ● Klinik Pakar Neurologi ● Klinik Pakar Neurosurgeri ● Klinik Pakar Psikiatri |
● Pharmacy for Specialist Clinic III (FKP III) | 7.30am - 5.00pm | N/A | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 1444 / 1445 / 1442) | ● Klinik Pakar Dermatologi ● Klinik Pakar Pembedahan Plastik & Rekonstruktif ● Klinik Pakar Anestetik & Pengurusan Kesakitan |
● Ophthalmology Pharmacy | 7.30am - 5.00pm | N/A | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 1465) | ● Klinik Pakar Oftalmologi |
Emergency Pharmacy (Main Block) | Operates 24 hours | 03 - 2615 5555 (ext 6100) | ● Outpatient from the Emergency & Trauma Department ● Supply of medicines after office hours for wards & related units | |
Drive Thru Pharmacy | 10am – 5pm | Saturday: 10am - 4pm | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 5126) | ● For HKL patients registered for follow-up medicine supply through the Drive-Thru Pharmacy Service |
Orthopaedic Pharmacy (Wisma Rekod) | 8am – 5pm | N/A | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 5188) | ● Klinik Pakar Ortopedik (Wisma Rekod) |
Main Inpatient Pharmacy (Main Block) | 7.30am – 9pm | Sat & Sun: 8am – 5pm | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 6096) | ● All wards in Main block HKL |
Pharmacy Institute of Urology and Nephrology B (IUN B) | 8am – 5pm | Sat & Sun: 11am – 3pm | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 2458 / 2459/ 2460) | ● All wards in Institute of Urology and Nephrology |
Neuroscience Pharmacy | 8am – 5pm | N/A | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 6488) | ● All wards in IKTAR building |
Radiotherapy and Oncology Pharmacy | 7.30am – 5pm | Sat & Sun: 8am – 2pm | 03 – 2615 5555 (ext 5834) | ● Bangunan Radioterapi & Onkologi ● Specialist Complex and Ambulatory Care Centre (Level 7) |
Client Charter
1) Ensuring the correct medications are supplied within no more than 30 minutes for complete prescriptions received.
2) Ensuring the correct supply of medications to the ward or unit within 4 hours for complete prescriptions or orders received during office hours.
3) Supplying standard items to the requester not exceeding 14 working days after a complete order is received.
4) Supplying non-standard items to the requester after a complete order is received, not exceeding 14 working days after the supplies are received at the Logistic Pharmacy Unit.