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The rehabilitation service at Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) was established in 1970 as a unit under the Orthopedic Department and at that time provided rehabilitation for amputation and spinal cord injury patients. Since the establishment of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (JPR) in 1996, the services provided have grown and include spinal rehabilitation, neuro rehabilitation, amputee rehabilitation, pediatric rehabilitation, general rehabilitation and Post-Covid rehabilitation among others.

Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary intervention that generally involves the Rehabilitation Physicians and medical officers, trained nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other disciplines. Patients who are referred to our department are patients who have experienced temporary or permanent loss or disability as a result of illness or injury.

HKL is the National Referral Centre for various complex cases involving various medical subspecialties. Therefore, our department plays an important role in providing early rehabilitation assessment and treatment to ensure that these patients have the opportunity to achieve the most optimal level of functional recovery.


Rehabilitation as a catalyst for the transformation of Persons with Disabilities (PWD).


The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine provides multidisciplinary, comprehensive and dynamic rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities to achieve optimal function.


To provide quality rehabilitation services to clients with disabilities in order for them to achieve optimal functional levels and return to society.

Organisation Chart

Chart Rehab


1. Outpatient Services

a) Specialist clinic

This clinic is conducted at the Rehabilitation Clinic at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine on a weekly basis.

  1. Wheelchair clinic
  2. General rehabilitation clinic
  3. Neuro rehabilitation clinic
  4. Amputee rehabilitation clinic

b) Combined Clinic

This clinic is conducted at the Orthopedic Clinic or at the Children's Development and Rehabilitation Centre, Tunku Azizah Hospital on a weekly or monthly basis. This is to make it easier for patients to get consultation services from various specialties in the same clinic appointment.

  1. Spinal Rehabilitation Clinic (Orthopedic Clinic)
  2. Pediatric equipment clinic (Tunku Azizah Hospital)
  3. Cerebral Palsy Clinic (Tunku Azizah Hospital)
  4. Pediatric rehabilitation clinic (Tunku Azizah Hospital)
  5. Spina Bifida Clinic (Tunku Azizah Hospital)

c) Specialized Clinic

This clinic is conducted monthly at the Rehabilitation Clinic.

  1. Botulinum Toxin injection clinic for patients with spasticity
  2. Return to Work Clinic with SOCSO

d) Outpatient Rehabilitation Program

The program is conducted at the Rehabilitation Treatment and Activity Centre (PRAR), in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine where the frequency of appointments will be determined. Patients will receive assessment and treatment from medical officers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and trained nurses in the same setting.

  1. Active rehabilitation program – for patients who have the potential to become functionally independent
  2. Caregiver training program – for patients who require caregiver assistance

2. Inpatient Services

  1. Inpatient Case Referral – we provide early assessment of rehabilitation needs and determine the patient's rehabilitation goals and the program.
  2. Inpatient Rehabilitation Program – conducted in the MH1B Rehabilitation Ward.
  3. Sub-acute rehabilitation – carried out in the referring ward, according to the initial rehabilitation assessment.

3. Other Services

These activities are performed for both inpatients and outpatients.

  1. Interdisciplinary Review (IDR) – Weekly discussions with the rehabilitation team consisting of rehabilitation physicians and medical officers, trained nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
  2. Family conference – This discussion will be conducted by the rehabilitation team and involves the patient, family members and/or employer to discuss the patient's condition, progress and functional direction.
  3. Assessment and prescription of rehabilitation equipment – This equipment include specialized wheelchairs, orthoses, prostheses, walking aids and others.
  4. Multidisciplinary neuropsychiatry discussion – This activity is performed to obtain information on the patient’s condition and progress and to determine the direction of the patient's rehabilitation.
  5. Home/workplace/college/school visits – These activities are carried out by the rehabilitation team to assess the patient's environmental conditions and to recommend environmental modifications and rehabilitation equipment for the patient.

Clinic Schedule







Specialist Clinic

-    General rehabilitation clinic

-    Wheelchair clinic

-    Neuro rehabilitation clinic

-    Amputee rehabilitation clinic



Combined Clinic

-    Paediatric equipment clinic*

-    Paediatric rehabilitation clinic*

-    Cerebral Palsy clinic*

-    Paediatric rehabilitation clinic*

-    Spinal rehabilitation clinic#

-    Spina bifida clinic**


Specialized Clinic


-    Botulinum Toxin injection clinic

-    Return to Work clinic with SOCSO




Rehabilitation Treatment and Activity Centre (PRAR)

-    Active rehabilitation program,

-    Caregiver training program

-    Active rehabilitation program,

-    Caregiver training program

-    Active rehabilitation program,

-    Caregiver training program

-    Active rehabilitation program,

-    Caregiver training program

-    Home/workplace/college/school visits

-    Active rehabilitation program,

-    Caregiver training program

**Conducted at the Child Development and Rehabilitation Centre, Tunku Azizah Hospital
#Conducted at the Orthopaedic clinic

Client Charter

1. We are determined to provide holistic care and service that ensures optimal functional recovery and reduces complications following temporary and permanent disability.

2. All clients are given professional and quality services.

3. All clients are treated equally with care, compassion, dignity and respect.

4. All clients are seen early within the designated time frame.



1. Registration

5 – 10 minutes

2. Awaiting Turn for Doctor’s Consultation

30 – 90 minutes


Hospital Kuala Lumpur
50586 Jalan Pahang
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
Phone : 03-26155555 
E-Mail : pro.hkl[at]


12.30 p.m - 2.00 p.m
4.30 p.m - 6.30 p.m


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Last Modified: Monday 03 February 2025.