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FAQ Clinical Support

Clinical Support


Question 1

Do I have to fast before my lab test?

Answer 1

Yes, for Fasting Blood Sugar and Fasting Serum Lipid Profile testing.

Question 2 

What happens to my sample once I have provided blood?

Answer 2 

You sample will be dispatched to the main laboratory (Department of Pathology) of HKL for analysis in Core Laboratory.

Question 3 

When will my clinician get the results?

Answer 3 

The laboratory turn-around time is one hour for urgent request, 2-3 hours for routine request and one working day for urine biochemistry test. Lithium is analysed on every Monday, Wednesday dan Friday only.

Question 4 

How may I see the results?

Answer 4 

You may ask for the result from your clinician.

Question 5 

Where can I find the list of test and service hours?

Answer 6 

Refer to HKL Pathology Service Book or website.

Question 6 

How the procedure to send sample for Mixing Study from Non-HKL hospital/clinics?

Answer 6 

Mixing Test is performed on appointment and based on consultation with the Pathologist at 03-26155555 ext 5239 and the test is only offered during office hours.


Question 1

Can 24 hours of regular urine collection container be used for urine collection for 24 hours urine catecholamine test?

Answer 1

Cannot because 24 hours urine catecholamine test requires a special collection container containing preservatives.

Question 2 

When will my Thyroid Function Test (TFT) results be obtained after blood is taken on the day of the appointment at the clinic?

Answer 2

Sample taken at the clinic will be sent to the main laboratory, HKL Pathology Department for analysis at the Chemical Pathology Laboratory. For Thyroid Function Test (TFT), the laboratory turn-around time (LTAT) is 3 working days.

Question 3 

Do I need to fast before taking blood for HbA1c test?

Answer 3 

For HbA1c test, patient does not need to fast before taking blood.

Question 4 

When is the best time to take blood for Progesterone test?

Answer 4 

For Progesterone test, blood should be taken on the 21st day of menstruation.

Question 5 

Why was my test application rejected?

Answer 5 

It is possible that the sample was sent using wrong tube, the sample was leaking or sample had hemolysis.


Question 1

What is the role of the Microbiology Laboratory?

Answer 1

The main role of the microbiological laboratory is to conduct diagnostic tests to detect microorganisms from clinical specimens. Microorganisms consist of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

Question 2 

How long is the time period for bacterial culture?

Answer 2 

Bacterial culture takes 18 hours to 48 hours. There are also some types of bacteria that take more than 48 hours such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Question 3

What containers are used for bacterial culture?

Answer 3 

Basically, sterile containers that do not easily leak and break are used for bacterial cultivation. For more information, please refer to the list of laboratory tests

Question 4

What are the testing methods used to detect the virus?

Answer 4

At the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL), various methods are used to detect the virus from clinical samples. Test methods conducted is to detect viral DNA, antigens or antibodies. To find out more, please refer to the list of laboratory tests.

Question 5

How long does it take to detect a virus?

Answer 5

The time taken is about 3-7 working days. It depends on the type of test offered. Please refer to the list of laboratory tests.


Question 1

Do I have to fast before my lab test?

Answer 1 

Fasting is not required for test analyzed in Clinical Toxicology Laboratory. However, other test may need to fast. Talk to your clinician.

Question 2 

Why is my doctor ordering Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) test?

Answer 2 

TDM is use to aid the management of drug therapy for the cure, alleviation or prevention of disease. The dosage adjusted according to the characteristic of individual being treated and the response obtained. In other words, TDM is used to assess the desired outcome to prevent toxicity.

Question 3

What happens to my sample once I have provided blood?

Answer 3 

You sample will be dispatched to the main laboratory (Department of Pathology) of HKL for analysis in Clinical Toxicology Laboratory.

Question 4 

When will my clinician get the results?

Answer 4 

The laboratory turn-around time is six hours for therapeutic drug monitoring, two working days for specific protein and five working days for tumour markers. Everolimus anda Sirolimus is analysed on every Tuesday dan Friday, while, Mycophenolic Acid is analysed on every Friday only.

Question 5

How may I see the results?

Answer 5

You may ask for the result from your clinician.

Question 6

Where can I find the list of test and service hours?

Answer 6

Refer to HKL Pathology Service Book or website.

Question 7

May I request for tumour markers for screening from my provider?

 Answer 7

No. Screening for tumour markers are not recommended. The test is not sensitive and specific for early stage of cancer.

Question 8

Can I eat medicine before appointment?

Answer 8 

One should strictly adhere to the instruction given especially for therapeutic drug monitoring. Otherwise it could affect the interpretation of the result. Talk to your clinician.


Question 1

What is the most common haematology test performed on a patient and why?

Answer 1 

Most common haematology test which can be done for patient is Full Blood Count (FBC). This is a basic test that measures the numbers of different cells in a person’s blood such as red cells, white cells and platelets. This blood test helps to:

a. Assess the haemoglobin level in the red blood cells of a patient who is

b. Determine white blood cells count for patient with infection or suspected to have leukaemia/lymphoma.

c. Measure platelets level when someone has bleeding manifestation including dengue infection with rashes.

Question 2

What test/s will be carried out to detect the possibility of being a carrier when one of my relative is known to have thalassaemia?

Answer 2 

A basic screening tool using Full Blood Count (FBC) is done for screening of thalasaemia status. Based on this result, any abnormalities will be further subjected for Haemoglobin Analysis (Hb Analysis). Confirmation test by DNA analysis will be performed if needed.

Question 3

Where should I go for thalassaemia screening test? 

Answer 3

Thalassaemia screening testing can be done at any government Health Clinic and at certain private centre which offer the service.

Question 4

Can I undergo thalassaemia screening at Health Clinic even though none of my family member is carrier for thalassaemia?

Answer 4

Yes, you can. Anyone can go to Health Clinic and request for basic screening test (FBC) as not all carriers are symptomatic for this condition. Pre-marital couple is  recommended to undergo this screening apart from those with family history of thalasaemia.

National Thalassaemia Screening Programme for form 4 students conducted by KKM was initiated in 2016 as a measure to prevent new birth of affected babies in future. This young adolescent will be given health education about thalassaemia and  explaination on the purpose of the screening programme. Students with written consent from their parents/guardian will undergo the blood screening test and will be given thalassaemia screening card. With this information regarding their thalassaemia status, they can make wise decision on selecting their life partner. By this programme, it is expected that marriage of couples with thalassaemia carriers will be reduced.

Question 5

What test/s will be carried out if I am suspected of having blood cancer (leukaemia) ?

Answer 5

The attending physician will discuss with the patient / parents and conduct laboratory tests as follows:

a. Full Blood Picture (FBP)

For details of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets count from blood samples. Microscopic examination of the blood smear will be and and stains will be able to detect presence of any abnormal white blood cells or blasts.

b. Bone Marrow Aspiration & Trephine Biopsy

• If FBP results show leukaemia or suspected leukaemia, bone marrow sampling and biopsy will be performed to confirm the disease and type of Leukemia. This procedure is safe and can be done as an outpatient. It is performed by introducing a designated needle into pelvic bone to obtain marrow samples and bone fragments.

The haematologist will review the bone marrow aspiration smear and confirm the presence of leukemia cells. Bone marrow samples are also sent for other tests such as:

a. Immunophenotyping test to determine the type and subtype of Leukemia.

b. Cytogenetic analysis is performed to detect any abnormal chromosomes in leukemia cells.

c. Molecular analysis to detect the type of mutation if present.

By doing these tests, it will assist the attending doctor in planning and providing appropriate treatment to the patient.


Clinical Cases

Question 1

What type of specimens are accepted for urine toxicology tests?

Answer 1

Urine specimen. The laboratory accepts blood specimens as well for the Methadone test.

Question 2

What is the minimum volume required for a urine drug toxicology test?

Answer 2


Question 3

What form should  be used to request a urine drug toxicology test?

Answer 3

PERPAT 301 Pathology form. Please ensure the form is completely filled, especially the patient's clinical history and diagnosis.

Question 4

What type of container is suitable for testing?

Answer 4

Any urine container which does not contain preservatives.

Question 5

Can I request a urine drug toxicology test after office hours?

Answer 5

Yes. Urine drug toxicology can be requested after office hours by sending the specimen to the Pathology Main Counter (24 hours/day).

Question 6

When will the urine drug toxicology result ready for release?

Answer 6

14 days after specimen receipt by the lab.

Medical Check Up

Question 1

What type of form should be used for Drug Medical Examination (Medical Checkup) tests?

Answer 1

3 copies of UPD form.

Question 2

What is the minimum volume required for a Drug Medical Examination (Medical Checkup) test?       

Answer 2

30ml as outlined in the Ministry of Health Guidelines: Guidelines for Testing Drugs of Abuse in Urine.

Question 3

 Can I request a Drug Medical Examination (Medical Checkup) test after office hours?

Answer 3

No. The Drug & Research Laboratory Counter accepts requests every Monday until Friday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Question 4

What type of test will be tested on a Drug Medical Examination specimen (Medical Checkup)?

Answer 4

 Urine specimens will be tested for Opiates, Cannabinoids & Amphetamine Type Stimulants test.

Question 5

When will the Drug Medical Examination (Medical Check up) result be ready for release?

Answer 5

10 days after specimen receipt by the lab.

Medicolegal Cases

Question 1

What type of form should be used to request drug of abuse tests for Medicolegal cases?

Answer 1

3 copies of UPD form

Question 2

Where can I obtain this form?

Answer 2

Drug & Research Laboratory Counter

Question 3

What is the minimum volume required for a drug of abuse tests in Medicolegal cases?

Answer 3

30ml as outlined in the Ministry of Health Guidelines: Guidelines for Testing Drugs of Abuse in Urine.

Question 4

Can I request a Drug Medicolegal test after office hours?

Answer 4

No. The Drug & Research Laboratory Counter accepts requests from Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Question 5

When will a drug of abuse tests for Medicolegal cases results be ready for collection?

Answer 5

Results will be released within 10 day for Morphine & Cannabinoid tests.

Results for other drug testing will be released within 60 days of specimen receipt. Please  refer to the list of drug of abuse tests offered in Hospital Kuala Lumpur website.

Results for ‘Urgent Medicolegal Amphetamine Type Stimulants test requested with a justified urgent letter will be released 14 days after sample receipt. 


Question 1

What is a pap smear?

Answer 1

A type of test to detect the abnormal cells in the cervix.

Question 2

Why do you need to do a pap smear?

Answer 2

Detects cell changes at an early stage before it turn into cancer cell.

Question 3

Who needs to do pap smear?

Answer 3

All women who have had sexual intercourse whether married or unmarried.

Women in the age range of 30-65 years.

Question 4

When is the right time to do pap smear?

Answer 4

Ideally in the middle of the menstrual cycle (10-15 days after the first day of menstruation).Not during menstruation.

Question 5

Is pap smear painful?

Answer 5

The procedure may be less comfortable but you should not be sick.

Question 6

Frequency of pap smear?

Answer 6

Only once for the first 2 years

If the result is normal, repeat pap smear every 3 years.

Question 7

Where are pap smear services offered?

Answer 7

In government or private hospitals or clinics.

Question 8

Do I need to fast before the Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) procedure is performed?

Answer 8

Patients do not need to fast before performing the procedure.

Question 9

How to take sputum specimen?

Answer 8

Patient should remove sputum by “deep cough”

Question 10

Where can I find the list of test and services hours?

Answer 10

Refer to HKL Service Book or website.

Question 11

How may I know the results?

Answer 11

You may ask for the result from your clinicians.


Question 1

What kind of specimens are received in Histopathology lab?

Answer 1

Specimens received for histopathology examination are tissue samples. These can be of various sizes, be it small biopsies or large tissue resection. Examples include skin biopsy for pigmented lesion, mastectomy for breast cancer, colectomy for colon cancer, appendicectomy for appendicitis, tonsillectomy for tonsillitis and so on. Body fluid, blood and swab are not suitable for histopathology examination.

Question 2

Where should specimens for Histopathology examination be sent to?

Answer 2

Specimens need to be sent to counter no. 5 in the common receiving area (CRA), Pathology Department, HKL.

Question 3

How should the specimens for Histopathology examination be sent?

Answer 3

The specimens MUST be sent immersed in 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF), unless contraindicated. This is to fix the tissue to prevent damage or autolysis. Further fixation will be continued in the lab as needed.

Question 4 

What are the contraindications to the usage of 10% NBF?

Answer 4

Certain specialized tests such as Enzyme histochemistry, muscle biopsies and Immunofluorescence studies. Please contact the lab personnel for further information regarding specimen handling for these tests.

Question 5 

How are HPE reports accessed?

Answer 5

Wards and clinics in HKL can trace/access HPE reports via Laboratory Informative System (LIS). For others, please collect the hard copy reports dispatched and/or check their emails for the soft copy reports.

Question 6 

How long is the turnaround time (TAT) duration for HPE reports?

Answer 6

TAT for small biopsies is 1 week, whereas for big specimens is 1 month.

Question 7 

What happens to the specimens after Histopathology examination?

The specimens will be discarded 1 month after the final report has been validated.

Answer 7

Are patients allowed to retrieve their specimens?

Yes, patients are allowed to retrieve their specimens after the HPE reports are released. Please contact the Histopathology office regarding the relevant procedure.

Question 8 

What is the procedure to request HPE photos for presentation, discussion etc?

Answer 8

For research or presentation, please contact the reporting pathologist. You are also required to fill in a form ‘PERMOHONAN MENDAPATKAN GAMBAR HISTOPATOLOGI (HKL/JP/HI-BP-03)’ from the histopathology office. TAT is 2/52 from the date of request received.


Hospital Kuala Lumpur
50586 Jalan Pahang
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
Phone : 03-26155555 
E-Mail : pro.hkl[at]


12.30 p.m - 2.00 p.m
4.30 p.m - 6.30 p.m


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Last Modified: Monday 03 February 2025.