- Introduction
- Vision, Mission & Objective
- Organisation Chart
- Services
- Clinic Schedule
- Client Charter
- Related Information
The Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery is the referral and training centre in the field of plastic & reconstructive surgery. Our clients comprises of all age group
July 1970 : Dr S. Kandiah, a newly trained Plastic Surgeon together with a hospital attendant officially conduct the first Plastic Surgery Clinic under the roof of the Orthopaedic Department.
The first Plastic Surgical procedure was done on 3rd July 1970.The first regular Plastic Surgery clinic was held on 13th July 1970.
Since then, there has been a tremendous development over the years with further progression under the leadership of Datuk Dr Ahmad Ridzwan Arshad, it is now a full-fledged department on its own.
The department is helmed by Madam (Dr) Normala Hj Basiron since 2006 until she retired on June 2023. Currently Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is helmed by Mr (Dr) Mohammad Ali B.Mat Zain.
Burn Unit has been fully taken over by Plastic Surgery Department since 2nd July 2018 and Paediatric Burn Unit Hospital Tunku Azizah on 1st January 2024.
- The department shall be a centre of excellence providing high quality care and give opportunity to receive the best possible management
- To be the best plastic & reconstructive surgery centre in Malaysia
- To be national referral centre for majority of plastic & reconstructive surgery cases especially for complex craniofacial reconstructive surgery, flap related & reconstructive microsurgery and burn related reconstructive surgery
- Plastic & reconstructive surgery services shall all time be delivered with quality and full commitment by multidisciplinary team which are dedicated, responsible, efficient and highly skilled
- To provide continuous medical training and research to all medical professionals and allied health care professionals
- Provide high quality services
- Provide integrated and holistic care for patients
Organisation Chart
- Craniofacial surgery
- Cleft surgery
- Tumour resection with flap reconstruction & reconstructive microsurgery
- Breast surgery
- Genitalia repair / reconstruction
- Aesthetic surgery
- Acute burn & secondary burn reconstruction (Adult and Paediatric)
- Correction of congenital deformities
- Reconstructive surgery post trauma and infection
- Vascular anomalies
- Pressure sore surgery
- Chronic & complex wound closure
- Insertion of tissue expander
Clinic Schedule
Client Charter
- Every client will receive registration services which accurate, quick and according to their allocated turn
- Every client will be given an expert consultation with a friendly and professional manner
- Every client will be given a proper explanation regarding the procedure, treatment and payment.