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Occupational Safety and Health


Hospital Kuala Lumpur is one of the largest hospitals in the country and also consists of the biggest number of staff among hospitals in Malaysia. Staffs are an asset to the hospital and play an important role in providing the health care services. Because of the challenging work environment, they are exposed to various hazards and occupational diseases. In order to overcome this occupational health issues, hospital has to find a mechanism to ensure the safety, health and welfare of the hospital staff.

OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (OSH) Unit Hospital Kuala Lumpur was then established in 2005 as instructed by the Chief Secretary of Malaysia via a circular UPTM 159/267/50 Kit 4 (46) dated 20 August 2004ARAHAN PEMATUHAN AKTA KESELAMATAN DAN KESIHATAN PEKERJAAN 1994 DAN PELAKSANAAN ARAHAN, PERATURAN, PROSEDUR DAN PERUNTUKAN UNDANG-UNDANG DI JABATAN-JABATAN KERAJAAN. Occupational Safety and Health Unit which is placed under the purview of the Hospital Deputy Director functions as a secretariat for the Occupational Safety and Health Committee of HKL and also responsible to carry out activities or programs in accordance with the Occupational And Safety Health Act 1994.


Towards healthy, safe and productive hospital staff and clients.


To provide a quality and comprehensive occupational health services in the  hospital through various programs of prevention and disease control, injury or disability that is cause by interaction between human and occupation.


General Objective:

To ensure the safety, health and welfare of the hospital staff and its clients.

Specific Objectives:

  • To protect and promote the safety and health of the hospital staff and its clients by preventing and controlling occupational accidents and diseases.
  • To develop and promote a healthy and safe work environment and work process
  • To educate the hospital staff on the importance of occupational safety and health, and thereby preventing accidents and diseases in the workplace.

Organisation Chart

Chart Osh


1. Occupational Safety

a) WEHU Investigations

Conduct investigations of all cases of accidents, occupational diseases as well as poisoning in workplace. The investigation is based on notifications through the WEHU form received involving HKL staff, then statistics & data are sent to the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

b) Occupational safety and health audit

Carry out occupational safety and health audit inspections on all environments and the entire Department within the Kuala Lumpur Hospital by performing the schedule audit duties that have been made in addition to preparing the audit report.

2. Occupational Health

Employees at HKL and HTA have access to occupational health care at the Premier Clinic. The services that are provided include those listed in the clinic schedule.

3. Training & Promotion

a) Continuous Medical Education OSH (CME OSH)

b) Safety and Health Workshop/Programmes

4. Visits from other Hospitals

HKL OSH has been the inspiration and motivation for other hospitals to learn. HKL OSH received multiple visits yearly from other hospitals for knowledge sharing.

5. Needle Stick Injuries Pilot Study

OSH HKL held a pilot study on needle stick injury in wards including workplace inspection, risk control and management. Talks were given to HCW to promote a safe and healthy environment.

Clinic Schedule

Operation Hours Premier Clinic

Monday to Thursday

8.00am – 1.00pm

1.00pm – 2.00pm (Closed)

2.00pm – 5.00pm


8.00am – 12.15noon

12.15noon – 2.45pm (Closed)

2.45pm – 5.00pm

Closed on Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays


Our Services

Clinic Day


Out Patient

Every Monday to Friday




Every Wednesday & Friday



Hepatitis B

Every Monday to Friday



Contact tracing

Every Monday to Tuesday


Every Monday to Friday

Pre-placement *For New Staff/Transfer In

Every Monday to Friday *Except Wednesday


Occupational Health

Medical Surveillance

Every Thursday & Friday


Every Tuesday & Wednesday

Combine Dermatology

Every Wednesday


Every Monday to Friday *Except Wednesday

Pathology (Histopathology/Microbiology/Toxicology)

Every Monday to Friday *Except Wednesday



Every Tuesday & Thursday


Smoking Cessation

Every Wednesday


Medical Check-Up

Every Monday to Friday


Fever Center

Every Monday to Friday


Health Screening 40 Above

Every Wednesday


COVID19 Vaccination

Every Wednesday

Client Charter

Ensuring the safety and health of Kuala Lumpur Hospital staff is maintained as well as providing the best clinic services to preserve the safety, health and welfare of HKL staff.

Polisi OSH 2024


Hospital Kuala Lumpur
50586 Jalan Pahang
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
Phone : 03-26155555 
E-Mail : pro.hkl[at]


12.30 p.m - 2.00 p.m
4.30 p.m - 6.30 p.m


Copyright © 2024 - Hospital Kuala Lumpur. 
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Last Modified: Monday 03 February 2025.