- Introduction
- Vision, Mission & Objective
- Organisation Chart
- Services
- Client Charter
- Related Information
The Development and Privatization Department is one of the branches under the Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) Management Division. Our location is on Level Three (3) of the Administration and Finance Block. This department is responsible for:-
- To plan, implement, manage and monitor development projects as well as repair, renovation and upgrading works in HKL with an effectively, transparently, best value for money, open competition, fair and equitable
- To plan, implement, manage and monitor parking privatization services in HKL in accordance with the instructions and circulars in force.
- To plan, implement, manage and monitor the department record system, administrative affairs, services and human resource development for this department in accordance with the instructions and circulars in force.
To make HKL as a health care service institution with complete, quality and conducive infrastructure facilities.
To develop HKL infrastructure for the purpose :
- The comfort of the treatment place as well as services to patients, visitors and health personnel.
- Fasilities and hospital support services that are easily available in providing and improving treatment.
Objective and Function of The Department
a) Department objectives:
- To plan, implement and monitor development projects as well as repair, renovation and upgrade work in HKL.
- To ensure that development projects as well as repair, renovation and upgrading works in HKL are managed effectively, transparently, best value for money, open competition, fair and equitable.
- To ensure that parking privatization services in HKL are implemented in accordance with the instructions and circulars in force.
b) Department functions are divided into three (3) units:
Organisation Chart
1. Planning, preparing, implementing and monitoring all development projects as well as repair, renovation and upgrading works at HKL.
2. Ensuring that all development projects as well as repair, renovation and upgrading work at HKL are implemented transparently and comply with the instructions and circulars set.
3. Coordinating, managing and ensuring documentation, correspondence, departmenth record file system, human resource development as well as administrative and service matters are complied in accordance with the instructions and circulars set.
Client Charter
1. To ensure HKL Development Meetings are be held on a monthly basis.
2. To ensure that the allocations for repair, renovation and upgrading works of HKL is spend at least 98% annually.
3. To ensure that reminder letter (SPSK) for repair, renovation and upgrading works with a work completion period of more than four (4) weeks are issued two (2) weeks before completion date.
4. To ensure that a reminder letter for rental payments and utility bills is issued to the parking management company within three (3) working days from the date specified in the agreement contract.